Wednesday, April 10, 2013

One Good Earl Deserves A Lover

Temptation turns you. It makes you into something you
never dreamed, it presses you to give up everything you
ever loved, it calls you to sell your soul for one, fleeting

They were forced to remember, however, when the
doors to the church opened, and half the aristocracy
poured out into the grey April morning, desperate and
finally, finally able to gossip about the most important part
of the double wedding - one missing bride - only to
discover the lady in question was not missing at all.
Indeed, she was right outside the church. In the arms of a
man to whom she was not affianced.
Ignoring the collective gasp of their audience, Cross
kissed the tip of her nose and rectified the situation. Jasper
Arlesey, Earl Harlow lowered himself to one knee and,
in front of all the world, proposed to his brilliant,
bespectacled bluestocking.

“I do hope we shall meet again. Perhaps we could have a reading club of some sorts. I 've read that one." She leaned in. "Have you reached the part where Mr. Darcy proposes?"
Asriel narrowed his gaze on Cross. "She did that on purpose."
Pippa shook her head. "Oh, I did not ruin it. Elizabeth refuses." She paused. "I suppose I did ruin that. Apologies.”

“But there, in that remarkable room, surrounded by a laughing, rollicking, unseeing collection of London's brightest and wickedest, Pippa's knowledge of anatomy expanded."

"It seemed there was such a thing as a broken heart.”

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