Monday, November 18, 2013

The Lady Most Likely

"He is asking Caroline to produce a list," Georgina explained.
"What sort of list?" Finchley asked.
"A list of women to marry," Hugh said feeling as if his idea had been a stupid one. Now even Finchbird would take the piss out of him as well.
"I find that one wife is more than enough," his brother-in-law said grinning.

"I heard her ask Lord Nebel how many sheep he was running on his estate. He didn't even know he was running sheep."
"I have sheep, but from the look of it, all they do is eat. No running."

"They don't have to all be maidens."
"Well, that's very liberal of you," Caroline said with a sisterly smirk. "But since I can hardly hand out a questionnaire as regards their experiences in that regard, we'll have to leave it there."

She looked down at her sketch pad. She'd been drawing a rabbit. She decided to give him unpleasant teeth. Vicious little bunny. Excellent.

"I am beginning to realize," Alex murmured, "why people always hope for sons. It has nothing to do with producing an heir."
"That was unkind," Octavia said, not sounding the least bit insulted.
"Females are a prodigious amount of work."

And then Alec had a providient thought. "D'you want my sister?"
"Octavia!" Hugh gasped at him. "isn't she twelve?"
"She's nineteen."
"I can't marry her. I'd keep picturing her as twelve."

It was so strange how someone could love another person so much and so well but still not understand what made her happy.

You don't understand how fragile life is. You don't realize that the thread breaks between one moment and the next.

"...there us a difference you know, between the male and the female ghost-"
"What is the difference?" Georgina asked.
"Oh, the male ghost is obsessed with venegemce, I find." Lear said, drinking again.
"And what are females obsessed by?" Hugh asked.
"Prick songs," Lear said. "Snogging. Same as when they are alive, really.

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