Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dear John

- What mattered most was knowing that love was mine to give, without strings or expectations.
- It's possible to go on, no matter how impossible it seems, and that in time, the grief . . . lessens. It may not go away completely, but after a while it's not so overwhelming.
- Our story has three parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. And although this is the way all stories unfold, I still can't believe that ours didn't go on forever.
- I'd learned that some things are best kept secret.
- bad as it was, I learned something about myself.  That I could go through something like that and survive.  I mean, I know it could have been worse--a lot worse-- but for me, it was all I could have handled at the time.  And I learned from it.
- In our time together, you claimed a special place in my heart, one I'll carry with me forever and that no one can ever replace.
- Regrets about the journey, maybe, but not the destination.
- When you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through.
- I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.
- We'd met at a carefree time, a moment full of promise, in its place now were the harsh lessons of the real world.
- Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable, but her story and mine are different now. It wasn't easy for me to accept this simple truth, because there was a time when our stories were the same, but that was six years and two lifetimes ago.
I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart.
I've been burdened by questions I've asked myself a thousand times since the last time we were together. 
Why did I do it? And would I do it again? 
It was I, you see, who ended it.

If you come back; I'll marry you. If you break your promise, you'll break my heart.
It's your eyes. They're ... more serious than they used to be. Like they've seen things they shouldn't have.
- I'm going to marry you one day, you know." 
"Is that a promise?" 
"If you want it to be."

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