Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1 litre of tears

'… stopping by or taking a longer way, is not such a bad idea.'
'I really don’t want to say things such as “I want to go back to how things were before.'’ I recognize how I am right now, and I will continue to live on.'
'I wont be impatient
I wont be greedy
I wont give up
Because everyone takes things step by step.'
'Not having other people understand. Not understanding others. Both of those are awful.'
'My life is like a blossoming flower. From the start of my youth, I want to have no regrets and treasure it.'
'Fate. It can't be put in words. You really can’t make people accept it.'
'What’s wrong with falling down? Because as long as I stand up again it’ll be just fine.'
'People shouldn’t dwell on the past. It's enough to try your best in all that you’re doing now.'
'If I am a flower, please, help me from ruining the life of the bud, that hasn’t blossomed yet.'
'Is that something you can't understand unless you experience it? Even if you can't feel what that person is feeling, I want you to at least try to think in my point of view.
But I think that's hard to do.
Even for me, I only first realized this after it happened to me.'
'The tough times are when a human is growing. If I can overcome this, a beautiful morning will be waiting for me.'
'I wonder where happiness is.
I wonder what happiness is.'
'I look up to people with strong personality traits, because I myself have nothing special.
I'm attracted to the idea of each individuals putting out their own unique characteristics.'
'Maybe even in the world that we live in, our uniqueness and talents are used to make the most out of life.'
'There is only one road for me. 
I don't have the right to pick my options. I can never go onto the same path as my friends.'

'If make myself feel better by thinking that I'm going to walk the same paths as my friends, my own path will disappear...'
'I wanna hit something really hard, yell and scream like crazy, fall down laughing....'

'Now, I can cry without making any noise.'
'Relationships with people are complicated. It's not like someone is wrong, but it just becomes worse without realization.'
'Maybe because I'm limited with where I can go, but I don't even know what I want anymore. But... I want to do something. I wanna do something so badly that I can't stand it.  My hands and feet are being tightly bounded. People being nice to me is a pain for me.'
'Time will continue to move even if I break all the clocks in the world.

I can't stop time as long as I live.'

'Can't a human live only with their mind?'
'I wanted to vent my energy on something.'
'My experience seems to resemble theirs in terms of gradually becoming numbed.'
'I look up as I walk along, so my tears won't fall . . .'
'I suppose everyone has some kind of burden. But why is it only me that has to be miserable?'
'I've already turned my back on my life without being aware of it.'
'The waves of my fate have washed me away. '
'How much longer will I have to suffer and fight until I can find my life?'
'It's very hard to live through each day without any purpose.'

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