Monday, July 25, 2011

First Comes Marriage

"It was so much more comfortable to be able to divide people into heroes and villains and expect them to play their allotted part."

"My happiness has to come from within myself or it is too fragile a thing to be of any use to me and too much of a burden to benefit any of my loved ones."

"But the things is, you see, that two people can never actually become one no matter how close they are. And it would not be desirable even if it were possible. What would happen when one of them died? It would leave the other as a half a person, and that would be a dreadful thing. We must each be a whole person and therefore we each need some privacy to be alone with ourselves and our own feelings."

"The suffering of a loved one was in many ways worse than one's one suffering because it left one feeling so very helpless."

"Was he a pleasant man hiding behind a mask of seeming carelessness or an unpleasant man hiding behind a mask of charm & smiles? Or like most humans, was he a dizzying mix of contradictory charactersticks?

"Happy? Most of the time? Happiness is always a fleeting thing," he said, "It never rests upon anyone as a permanent state, though many of us persist in believing in the foolish idea that if this would just happen or that we would be happy for the rest of our lives.  I know moments of happiness just as most other people do.  Perhaps I have learned to find it in ways that would pass some people by.  I feel the summer heat here at this moment and see the trees and the water and hear that invisible gull overhead.  I feel the novelty of having company when I usually come here alone.  And this moment brings me happiness."

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