Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Deadly Game

"It's Mari, Jack," Ken whispered, needing to say it aloud.
"What?" Jack jerked around, staring at the sniper as the eyes fluttered closed. "Are you certain?"
Ken pulled the woman's belt loose and buckled it around her leg. "Either that or your wife is playing sniper for the other team. It has to be Mari. She looks exactly like Briony."

Jack glanced at Ken. "Lily is a brilliant woman when it comes to academics, but she's so blind when it comes to people." It was a small warning to keep Ken's anger from boiling over. "She's struggling to accept that Whitney needs to die, but she needs more time. The pregnancy also probably makes her more emotional when it comes to her father."
"When the hell did you get so smart?" Ken demanded.
"I've been reading all the pregnancy books." Jack sounded a little smug.

"Speaking of the sick, twisted freak, have you caught sight of the bastard?" Jack gave a short, expressive snort. "Um, that would be a negative. I've never actually seen Sean."
"I sent you an image."
"Tails and horns aren't exactly the real deal, Ken. You gave me a picture of the devil."

But I'm not any better at relationships than you are. We'll find our way together, even if we're fumbling around in the dark for a while.

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